Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kitty's Summary

Here is my overview of George’s Bike and My Drive and Explore across America Tour. This was an absolutely great trip. Initially, I did have a hard time dealing with not being able to bike. But once I had my attitude adjustment, I really enjoyed the sight seeing. What was really great was that you never knew what the day will bring, which is usually true for everyday, but the days were really unpredictable on this trip.

What I learned about myself: is that I love nature and wildlife but am selfish about it in a sense that I would rather be on my own there (well… it’s better with George but its fine to be on my own as well). I don’t particularly enjoy touristy places, even though I am a tourist there (hmmm…). I am however, paranoid about getting lost in the woods; it must be because I am fully aware of my poor sense of directionality.

What I learned about George: I think that I already knew this but the trip just confirmed it for me once again... Commitment and Dedication. He gives a new meaning to these terms. I am not sure how many people out there will get up at 4:30 (several times on their vacation) to get the miles in. He took NO days off for soreness or mood (not feeling like riding today). Peddled hard and stayed mentally focused the entire trip, regardless of the weather: the wind, the rain, and cold. Speeding cars & trucks and rude & dangerous drivers did bring him down some but did not stop him from getting to the finish line safely.

What I learned about our great country: There is just so much Land (vast empty land) here and so many beautiful places to see. Almost every state had some areas and views that were absolutely breathtaking. People overall are pretty nice and friendly but there are always those who break that mold. I also saw sure signs of Global Warming (every state has been having some kind of extreme weather in the last year or so). Another thing I saw (and wish that I could do something to change) was the overcrowded and stinky Slaughterhouses for cows. I have some ideas as to what needs to be done but how that can be accomplished is beyond me. May be one day that can be a project I can take on, during my extra time.

Some Favorites:
Places: Yellow Stone and Grand Tetons National Park; Mammoth Caves; Lava River Cave; Rocky Mountain National Park; Portland City Park; Garden of the Gods; Some scenic overlooks on the Oregon coast.
Hikes: Interstate Park (in VA crossing over to KY); Small Random Hike in Montana (no name I think); Clear Lake Loop Trail in OR.
City: Bend, OR.
Prettiest States: Oregon (we are not counting NC or VA in this, since they are like our backyard). Idaho gets the second place award. Missouri third place.
Best Overnight Stay: Cabin in Toronto State Park, KS
Best B&B: Myers B&B, Marion, KY
Best Hotel Lobby: Old Faithful Inn, WY
Best Generic Hotel Room: The Vintage Hotel, Portland, OR

This trip resulted in:
Miles Driven: 22,000. This includes going back to NC and back to CO in the middle of the trip and also sight seeing to Portland, then Seattle, before getting back home. (Wow….. that is a lot of miles, especially for a bike tour. Talk about supporting the gas companies)
Falls: Two, both Kitty (hmmm... good thing that I was not mainly biking, can't imagine how many falls I would have had then).
Food Consumption: Lots of junk food such as Sugar filled snacks (Snickers, Twix, Ho Ho's, Ding Dongs); Peanut Butter; Bananas; French Fries. (George is going to stay away from Peanut butter products for a long time now).
Causalities: All causalities happened during driving (obviously animals would like for us to ride our bikes more): Two birds and one squirrel by me. One bird by George.
Violations: For Kitty: One parking ticket in VA and One pull over for tailgating in KS (but no ticket). For George: Speeding ticket in WA (the very first state on our drive back)

Well, that’s the wrap up from me…..
P.S. After seeing big part of this country, I realize more than ever that we live in a really beautiful place. I am thankful and feel lucky to love where we live... Hillsborough, NC.

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