Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009: Day 26

Windiest day today (way worse than yesterday) and on top of that it rained (and poured) on George. Winds were up to 30 mph, westerly winds (Head winds) and the temps dropped as the day went on. He was pretty sick of fighting the wind and getting wet and made it a shorter ride day. He did make it across the state line though. We met another TranAmer (and he was American), who is east bounder (he started from the west coast and going to east coast). He and George had lunch together and exchanged stories with each other. I had my own little adventure today. I went for a hike at really cool "Prairie State Park, MO", they have wild Bison and Elks. I had a pretty close encounter (well thats a bit exaggerated) with a huge Bison. My internet research says that if the Bison reacts to your presence, it means that you are too close. Well, this one definitely reacted to my presence but thankfully by running away from me. I knew that I have gained some weight but did not realize that it was that much that even a buffalo thought that I was such a big cow. All kidding aside, I don't believe that any human can really be intimidating in size to the bison as they can weigh up to 2500 lbs. I did not get on the bike today as my tailbone was a little soar from yesterday's ride.
Our little over view opinion about MO: Great views (including the wine area), good roads, and friendly people. Less hiking and many more ATV trails here.

We went from Golden City, MO to Girard, KS
Total Miles: 48
Kitty's Miles: 0

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